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One of these days, this blog will be filled with delightful information about my adventures in Australia. But not right now. Right now this is a placeholder for what is to come. I e-mailed the bitches at the BU travel agency, so hopefully they'll be able to give me an overview of the ticket pricing. I needed a different itinerary because I'm going to be an RA and etc. At least that's what I'm assuming. I mean, I never got a letter that said "congrats! You're an RA!" But I was one of the 6 people that applied before the deadline. I did put my name on a list that went around the room that said "RA Contact Info" on it, so I guess that secured my spot?

Either way, I'm planning my trip like I am an RA... so it seems like they're just going to have to accept me as one.

I turned 21 on the 29th, I was able to buy vodka for the first time. I got carded and it felt amazing to buy the bottle of poison legally. The guy at the liquor store slid my license through the machine and it played "Happy Birthday" to me. How cute is that? I'm going to have to get used to the idea of being considered an adult. In Sydney, the drinking age is 18. In their eyes, I have a lot of catching up to do.

I'm feeling pessimistic at the moment, but eventually, things will start to come together. Ok that's enough for tonight, I need sleep.

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